Seth Green is a film and television actor who co-created the animated television comedy series ‘Robot Chicken’. He is well-known for his role as Daniel Osbourne in the television series ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’. He started out as a child artist at the tender age of six; an uncle in the casting business helped to introduce the youngster to acting. One of his early television appearances was as a little boy in an episode of the sketch comedy show ‘Saturday Night Live’. He made his film debut in a supporting role in the comedy drama ‘The Hotel New Hampshire’ as a ten-year-old. One thing led to another and soon he was making numerous minor appearances in television shows and films. He also started developing himself as a voice actor. In spite of his television and film roles, it was actually a role in a commercial that made him really popular. Exposed to the world of show business at a young age, he soon graduated from an actor to become a successful producer and director. He co-created the animated series ‘Robot Chicken’ along with Matthew Senreich and also voiced several of its characters. The series became highly popular and won many awards and accolades. He also lent his voice to the characters of Chris Griffin, Neil Goldman and others in the animated sitcom ‘Family Guy’ that centers on a dysfunctional family called the Griffins. The series originally ran from 1999 to 2003. The series was later revived in 2005 because of its popularity.